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Publicaciones Ecología
- Duran, C., Medina-Sánchez, J.M., & P. Carrillo. 2020.Uncoupled algae-bacteria relationship by multiple drivers interacting at different temporal scales in a high-mountain Mediterranean lake. Scientific Report 10.1038/s41598-019-57269-y
- Castellano-Hinojosa, A. Charteris A. F. Müller, C. Jansen-Willems, A. Gonzalez-Lopez, J. Bedmar, E. J. Carrillo, P. & Cardenas, L. M 2020 .Occurrence and 15N-quantification of simultaneous nitrification and denitrification in N-fertilised soils incubated under oxygen-limiting conditions : Soil, Biology and Biochemistry (accepted)
- M. J. Cabrerizo, M. I. Álvarez-Manzaneda, E. León-Palmero, G. Guerrero-Jiménez, L. N. de Senerpont Domis, S. Teurlincx, L. M. González-Olalla. 2020. Warming and CO2 effects under oligotrophication on temperate phytoplankton communities. Water Research, 173: 115579.
- Antonio García-Alix, Jaime L. Toney, Gonzalo Jiménez-Moreno, Carmen Pérez-Martínez, Laura Jiménez, Marta Rodrigo-Gámiz, R. Scott Anderson, Jon Camuera6, Francisco J. Jiménez-Espejo, Dhais Peña-Angulo, and María J. Ramos-Román. Algal lipids reveal unprecedented warming rates in alpine areas of SW Europe during the industrial period Clim. Past, 16, 245–263, 2020.
- Suarez-Rey E., C. Gimenez, M. Romero-Gámez, M. Gallado and F.J. Rueda (2019). Sensitivity and unertainty analysis in agro-hydrological modelling of drip fertigated lettuce crops unde Mediterranean conditions. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 162:630-650.
- Villar-Argaiz, M. (2019), Will the desert darken your door?, Eos, 100,
- Ortega-Retuerta, E., Mazuecos, I. P., Reche, I., Gasol, J. M., Álvarez-Salgado, X. A., Álvarez, M., Montero M.F. & Arístegui, J. (2019) Transparent exopolymer particle (TEP) distribution and in situ prokaryotic generation across the deep Mediterranean Sea and nearby North East Atlantic Ocean. Progress in Oceanography 173: 180-191
- Triadó-Margarit, X., Caliz, J., Reche, I., & Casamayor, E. O. (2019). High similarity in bacterial bioaerosol compositions between the free troposphere and atmospheric depositions collected at high-elevation mountains. Atmospheric Environment 203: 79–86
- León-Palmero, E., Reche, I., & Morales-Baquero, R. (2019). Atenuación de luz en embalses del sur-este de la Península Ibérica. Ingeniería del agua, 23(1), 65-75.
- Bopi Biddanda, Jasmine Mancuso, Rachel Ratliff, Katie Knapp, Tony Weinke and Manuel Villar-Argaiz (2019) Anthropocene: The Uncertain Age of Humans. A book review of “Anthropocene: A very short introduction” by Erle C. Ellis (2018) InterChange newsletter
- M. J. Cabrerizo, J. M. González-Olalla, V. J. Hinojosa-López, F. J. Peralta-Cornejo, P. Carrillo. 2019. A shifting balance: Responses of marine mixotrophic algae to cooling and warming under UVR. New Phytologist, 221: 1317-1327
- Martínez–Pérez AM, Catalá TS, Nieto–Cid M, Otero J, Álvarez M, Emelianov M, Reche I, Álvarez–Salgado XA, Arístegui J (2019) Dissolved organic matter (DOM) in the open Mediterranean Sea. II: Basin–wide distribution and drivers of fluorescent DOM Progress in Oceanography 170: 93–106
- Guerrero-Jiménez, G., Ramos–Rodríguez, E., Silva-Briano, Marcelo, Araceli Adabache-Ortiz, José María Conde-Porcuna. 2019. Analysis of the morphological structure of diapausing propagules as a potential tool for the identification of rotifer and cladoceran species. Hydrobiologia
- Pérez-Martínez, C., José M. Conde-Porcuna, Emilio Moreno, Eloísa Ramos-Rodríguez and Laura Jiménez (2019) Cladoceran assemblage distribution in shallow alpine lakes of Sierra Nevada (Spain) and its relationship with environmental variables. DOI: 10.1007/s00027-019-0677-
- Burillo, J. P., Jiménez, L. & Pérez-Martínez, C. (2019) Identifying invasive Daphnia species by morphological analysis of postabdominal claws in Sierra Nevada alpine lakes. J. Paleolimnol 62: 121-135 doi:10.1007/s10933-019-00078-0
- Sánchez-Castillo, P.,Carrillo, P., Pérez Martínez, C., Reche, I., de la Rosa, J., Linares Cuesta, E., Díaz González, PM (2019) Conocer y conservar las algas en Sierra Nevada: una necesidad científica y una herramienta de control ambiental. En Biología de la conservación de plantas en Sierra Nevada: Principios y retos para su preservación (pp. 41-52). Editorial Universidad de Granada. ISBN: 9788433865120
- Moreno, E., Pérez-Martínez, C., & Conde-Porcuna, J. M. (2019). Dispersal of rotifers and cladocerans by waterbirds: seasonal changes and hatching success. Hydrobiologia, 834(1), 145-162.
- Jiménez, L., Conde-Porcuna, J. M., Heiri, O., Anderson, R. S., Toney, J. L., García-Alix, A. & Pérez-Martínez, C. (2019) Ecosystem responses to climate-related changes in a Mediterranean alpine environment over the last ~180 years. Ecosystems 22: 563-577.
- R. Morales-Baquero, C. Pérez-Martínez, E. Ramos-Rodríguez, P. Sánchez-Castillo, M. Villar-Argaiz, J.M. Conde-Porcuna. 2019. Zooplankton advective losses may affect chlorophyll-a concentrations in fishless high-mountain lakes. Limnetica, 38(1): 55-65 (2019). DOI: 10.23818/limn.38.12
- M. J. Cabrerizo, J. M. Medina-Sánchez, M. Villar-Argaiz, P. Carrillo. 2019. Interplay between resistance and resilience governs the stability of a freshwater microbial food web under multiple stressors. Science of the Total Environment, 691: 908-918
- Araya, C.M., Cazorla, A., Reche, I.(2019) Detachment Procedure of Bacteria from Atmospheric Particles for Flow-cytometry Counting Bio-protocol. 9(12): e3273.
- Mercado J.M., Cortés D., Salles, S., Ramírez, T., Liger, E., López-Figueroa, F., Segovia, M., Korbee, N., Medina-Sánchez, J.M., Durán, C. & P. Carrillo . 2019Short-term primary production in western Mediterranean Sea phytoplankton communities subjected to the combined stress of high irradiance and low nutrients during summer stratification.Continental Shelf Research 186: 48-63
- González-Olalla, J.M, J.M. Medina-Sánchez & Carrillo, P. 2019 : Mixotrophic trade-off under warming and UVR in a marine and a freshwater algae doi: 10.1111/jpy.12865.: Journal of Phycology doi: 10.1111/jpy.12865
- Sadeghi-Nassaj SM, Batanero GL, Mazuecos I.P., Alonso C, Reche I.(2018) Sea cucumbers reduce nitrogen, bacteria and transparent exopolymer particles in Anemonia sulcata aquaculture tanks Aquaculture Research DOI: 10.1111/are.13836
- M. S. Valiñas, V. E. Villafañe, M. J. Cabrerizo, C. Durán-Romero, E. W. Helbling. 2018. Global change effects on plankton community structure and trophic interactions in a Patagonian freshwater eutrophic system. Hydrobiologia, 816: 61-77
- Juan Manuel González-Olalla, Juan Manuel Medina-Sánchez, Ismael L. Lozano, Manuel Villar-Argaiz & Presentación Carrillo (2018) Climate-driven shifts in algal-bacterial interaction of high-mountain lakes in two years spanning a decade. Scientific Reports 8: 10278 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-28543-2
- Funes, A., Martínez, F.J., Álvarez-Manzaneda, I., Conde-Porcuna, J.M., de Vicente, J., Guerrero, F., de Vicente, I. (2018) Determining major factors controlling phosphorus removal by promising adsorbents used for lake restoration: A linear mixed model approach. Water Research 141, 377-386
- M. Villar-Argaiz, E. G. Balseiro, B. E. Modenutti, M. S. Souza, F. J. Bullejos, J. M. Medina-Sánchez, P. Carrillo (2018) Resource versus consumer regulation of phytoplankton: testing the role of UVR in a Southern and Northern hemisphere lake. Hydrobiologia 816:107–120
- Manuel Villar-Argaiz a, Marco J. Cabrerizo b, Juan Manuel González-Olalla, Macarena S. Valiñas, Sanja Raji, Presentación Carrillo (2018) Growth impacts of Saharan dust, mineral nutrients, and CO2 on a planktonic herbivore in southern Mediterranean lakes. Science of the Total Environment 639 (2018) 118–128
- Catalá T, Martínez-Pérez AM, Nieto-Cid M, Álvarez M, Otero J, Emelianov M, Reche I, Arístegui J, Álvarez-Salgado XA (2018) Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) in the open Mediterranean Sea. I. Basin–wide distribution and drivers of chromophoric DOM. Progress in Oceanography 165: 35–51
- León-Palmero E, Joglar V, Alvarez PA, Martín-Platero A, Llamas I, Reche I. (2018) Diversity and antimicrobial potential in sea anemone and holothurian microbiomes Plos One 13(5): e0196178.
- Fuchs, E., Funes, A., Saar, K., Reitzel, K., Jensen, H.S., 2018. Evaluation of dried amorphous ferric hydroxide CFH-12® as agent for binding bioavailable phosphorus in lake sediments. These authors equally contributed to the publication. Science of the Total Environment 628-629: 990-996.
- Cabrerizo Marco J., P. Carrillo, V.E. Villafañe, J.M. Medina-Sánchez, E. W. Helbling (2018) Increased nutrients from aeolian-dust and riverine origin decrease the CO2-sink capacity of coastal South Atlantic waters under UVR exposure. Limnol & Oceanogr., , 63:1191-1203
- Villar-Argaiz, M., Medina-Sánchez1 J.M., Biddanda B.A. and P. Carrillo (2018) Predominant non-additive effects of multiple stressors on autotroph C:N:P ratios propagate in freshwater and marine food webs. Frontier in Microbiology 9: 69 DOI /10.3389/fmicb.2018.00069
- Sadeghi-Nassaj SM, Catalá TS, Álvarez PA, Reche I. (2018) Sea cucumbers reduce chromophoric dissolved organic matter in aquaculture tanks. PeerJ 6:e4344; DOI 10.7717/peerj.4344
- Reche I., D’Orta G., Mladenov N., Winget DM, Suttle C. (2018) Deposition rates of viruses and bacteria above the atmospheric boundary layer. The ISME Journal
- P. Bermejo, E. W. Helbling, C. Durán-Romero, M. J. Cabrerizo, V. E. Villafañe. 2018. Abiotic control of phytoplankton blooms in temperate coastal marine ecosystems: A case study in the South Atlantic Ocean. Science of the Total Environment, 612: 894-902
- del Arco, A., G. Parra and I. de Vicente. 2018. Going deeper into phosphorus adsorbents for lake restoration: Combined effects of magnetic particles, intraspecific competition and hábitat heterogeneity pressure on Daphnia magna. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 148: 513–519
- Ramón, C.L., M. Acosta and F. J. Rueda (2018). Hydrodynamic Drivers of Juvenile-Salmon Out-Migration in the Sacramento River: Secondary Circulation. J. Hydraul. Eng., 2018, 144(8): 04018042. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE) HY.1943-7900.0001484.
- Yeste, P. Dorador, J., W. Martin, M. J. Esteban, and F. J. Rueda (2018). Climate-driven trends in the streamflow records of a reference hydrologic network in Southern Spain. Journal of Hydrology, 566, pages 55-72.
- Priet-Mahéo, M, C. L. Ramón, F.J. Rueda & H. Andradottir (2018). Mixing and internal dynamics of a medium-size and deep lake near the Arctic Circle. Limnology and Oceanography, doi: 10.1002/lno.11019.
- Funes, A., de Vicente, J., de Vicente, I., 2017. Synthesis and characterization of magnetic chitosan microspheres as low-density and low-biotoxicity adsorbents for lake restoration. Chemosphere 171: 571-579.
- Moreno, E., J. M. Conde-Porcuna & A. Gómez. 2017. Barcoding rotifer biodiversity in Mediterranean ponds using diapausing egg Banks. Ecology and Evolution 7: 4855-4867.
- Vannucchi, P.E., Peralta-Maraver, I., Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. & López-Rodríguez, M.J. 2017. Dynamic of the macroinvertebrate community and food web of a Mediterranean stream. Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 32 (1): 223–239.
- Sanz, A., López-Rodríguez, M.J., García-Mesa, S., Trenzado, C.E., Ferrer, R.M. & Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. 2017. Are antioxidant capacity and oxidative damage related to biological and autoecological characteristics in aquatic insects? Journal of Limnology 76(1): 170-181.
- Piersanti, S., Rebora, M., López-Rodríguez, M.J. & Tierno de Figueroa. J. M. 2017. A comparison between the adult antennal sensilla of the cavernicolous stonefly Protonemura gevi and other epigean Protonemura species (Plecoptera: Nemouridae) in a biological context. Annales de la Société entomologique de France, 53(1): 47-54.
- López-Rodríguez, M.J., Delgado-Juan, P., Luzón-Ortega, J.M. & Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. 2017. Nymphal biology of Capnioneura gelesae Berthélemy & Baena, 1984 (Plecoptera, Capniidae) in temporary streams of Sierra Morena (Southern Spain). Limnetica, 36(1): 45-53.
- Castellano-Hinojosa A, Correa-Galeote D, Carrillo P, Bedmar EJ and Medina-Sánchez JM (2017) Denitrification and Biodiversity of Denitrifiers in a High-Mountain Mediterranean Lake. Front. Microbiol. 8:1911. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2017.01911.
- Carmen Rojo, Guillermo Herrera, Juan Manuel Medina-Sánchez, Manuel Villar-Argaiz, Cristina Durán, Presentación Carrillo (2017) Are the small-sized plankton communities of oligotrophic ecosystems resilient to UVR and P pulses?. Freshwater Science. 2017. 36(4):000–000. DOI: 10.1086/694737.
- M. Villar-Argaiz, E. G. Balseiro. B. E. Modenutti, M. S. Souza, F. J. Bullejos, J. M. Medina-Sánchez, P. Carrillo (2017) Resource versus consumer regulation of phytoplankton: testing the role of UVR in a Southern and Northern hemisphere lake. Hydrobiologia. DOI 10.1007/s10750-017-3251-y.
- P. Carrillo, J. M. Medina-Sánchez, M. Villar-Argaiz, F. J. Bullejos, C. Durán, M. Bastidas-Navarro, M. S. Souza, E. G. Balseiro & B. E. Modenutti (2017) Vulnerability of mixotrophic algae to nutrient pulses and UVR in an oligotrophic Southern and Northern Hemisphere lake. Scientific Reports | 7: 6333 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-06279-9.
- González-Olalla, J. M., J. M. Medina-Sánchez, M. J. Cabrerizo, M. Villar-Argáiz, P. M. Sánchez-Castillo, and P. Carrillo (2017), Contrasting effect of Saharan dust and UVR on autotrophic picoplankton in nearshore versus offshore waters of Mediterranean Sea, J. Geophys. Res. Biogeosci., 122, doi:10.1002/2017JG003834.
- Álvarez-Manzaneda, I. and I. de Vicente. 2017. Assessment of toxic effects of magnetic particles used for lake restoration on Chlorella sp. and on Brachionus calyciflorus. Chemosphere 187: 347-356.
- Jiménez L, Rühland KM, Jeziorski A, Smol JP, Pérez-Martínez C. (2017) Climate change and Saharan dust drive recent cladoceran and primary production changes in remote alpine lakes of Sierra Nevada, Spain. Global Change Biology 2017;00:1–20.
- Gema L. Batanero, Elizabeth León-Palmero, Linlin Li, Andy J. Green, Manuel Rendo´n-Martos, Curtis A. Suttle & Isabel Reche. Flamingos and drought as drivers of nutrients and microbial dynamics in a saline lake Scientific Reports 7: 12173 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-12462-9.
- Martínez-Pérez AM, Nieto-Cid M, Osterholz H, Catalá TS, Reche I, Dietmar T, Álvarez-Salgado XA. (2017) Linking optical and molecular signatures of dissolved organic matter in the Mediterranean SeaScientific Reports | 7: 3436 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-03735-4.
- Iuculano F., Mazuecos I.P., Reche I., Agustí S. (2017) Prochlorococcus as a possible source for Transparent Exopolymer Particles (TEP) Frontiers in Microbiology DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2017.00709.
- Juan Manuel Medina-Sánchez, Guillermo Herrera, Cristina Durán,·Manuel Villar-Argaiz, Presentación Carrillo (2017). Optode use to evaluate microbial planktonic respiration in oligotrophic ecosystems as an indicator of environmental stress. Aquatic Sciences DOI 10.1007/s00027-016-0515-y.
- Sergio Velasco Ayuso, Juan Manuel Medina-Sánchez, René Guénon, Presentación Carrillo (2017). Ecoenzyme activity ratios reveal interactive effects of nutrient inputs and UVR in a Mediterranean high-mountain lake. Biogeochemistry 132:71–85 (DOI 10.1007/s10533-016-0288-3).
- Eloísa Ramos-Rodríguez, Carmen Pérez-Martínez, José M. Conde-Porcuna (2017). Strict stoichiometric homeostasis of Cryptomonas pyrenoidifera (Cryptophyceae) in relation to N:P supply ratios.Journal of Limnology 76(1): 182-189 (DOI: 10.4081/jlimnol.2016.1487).
- I. Álvarez-Manzaneda, E. Ramos-Rodríguez, M.J. López-Rodríguez, G. Parrac, Funes, I. de Vicente (2017). Acute and chronic effects of magnetic microparticles potentially usedin lake restoration on Daphnia magna and Chironomus sp. Journal of Hazardous Materials 322 (2017) 437–444.
- Cabrerizo, M.J., Carrillo, P., Villafañe, V.E., Helbling, E.W., 2017. Differential impacts of global change variables on coastal South Atlantic phytoplankton: Role of seasonal variations. Marine Environmental Research 125, 63-72.
- Cabrerizo, M.J., Medina-Sánchez, J.M., Dorado-García, I., Villar-Argaiz, M., Carrillo, P., 2017. Rising nutrient-pulse frequency and high UVR strengthen microbial interactions. Scientific Reports 7, 43615.
- Bruce, L.C. M.A. Frassl, G.B. Arhonditsis, Gideon Gal, David P. Hamilton, Paul C. Hanson, Amy L. Hetherington, John M. Melack, Jordan S. Read, Karsten Rinke, Anna Rigosi, Dennis Trolle, Luke Winslow, Rita Adrian, Ana I. Ayala, Serghei A. Bocaniov, Bertram Böhrer, Casper Boon, Justin D. Brookes, Thomas Bueche, Brendan D. Busch, Diego Copetti, Alicia Cortés, Elvira de Eyto, J. Alex Elliott, Nicole Gallina, Yael Gilboa, Nicolas Guyennon, Lei Huang, Onur Kerimoglu, John D. Lenters, Sally MacIntyre, Vardit Makler-Pick, Chris McBride, Santiago Moreira, Deniz Özkundakci, Marco Pilotti, Francisco J. Rueda, James A. Rusak, Nihar R. Samal, Martin Schmid, Tom Shatwell, Craig Snorthheim, Frédéric Soulignac, Giulia Valerio, Leon van der Linden, Mark Vetter, Brigitte Vinçon-Leite, Junbo Wang, Michael Weber, Chaturangi Wickramaratne, R. Iestyn Woolway, Huaxia Yao, Matthew R. Hipsey (2018). A multi-lake comparative analysis of the General Lake Model 1 (GLM): Stress-testing across a global observatory network. Environment l Modelling and Software, 102:274-291.
- Sánchez-Badorrey, E. (2017). Variabilidad climática, renovación y calidad de las aguas del puerto de Ceuta y su entorno. Ed. Instituto de Estudios Ceutíes. ISBN 978-84-16595-30-3 (80pp).
- Sánchez-España, J. M. Pilar Mata, Juana Vegas, Mario Morellón, Juan Antonio Rodríguez, Ángel Salazar, Iñaki Yusta, Aida Chaos, Carmen Pérez-Martínez, Ana Navas, et al (2017). Anthropogenic and climatic factors enhancing hypolimnetic anoxia in a temperate mountain lake. Journal of Hydrology
- V. E. Villafañe, M. J. Cabrerizo, G. S. Erzinger, P. Bermejo, S. M. Strauch, M. S. Valiñas, E. W. Helbling. (2017). Photosynthesis and growth of temperate and sub-tropical estuarine phytoplankton in a scenario of nutrient enrichment under solar ultraviolet radiation exposure. Estuaries and Coasts, 40: 842-855
- Manko, P., López-Rodríguez, M.J., Tierno de Figueroa, J.M., Hrivniak, L., Papyan, L., Harutyunyan, M. & Obona, J. 2016. Nymphal feeding habits of Perla pallida Guérin-Méneville, 1838 (Plecoptera, Perlidae) from Armenia. Biologia, 71(3): 328–333.
- Peralta-Maraver, I., López-Rodríguez, M.J. & Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. 2016. Structure, dynamics and stability of a Mediterranean river food web. Marine and freshwater research, 68: 484-495.
- Fenoglio, S., Bonada, N., Guareschi, S., López-Rodríguez, M.J., Millán, A. & Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. 2016. Freshwater ecosystems and aquatic insects: a paradox in biological invasions. Biology Letters, 12: 20151075.
- Antorán-Pilar, E., López-Rodríguez, M.J., Luzón-Ortega, J.M. & Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. 2016. Faunística y fenología de los plecópteros (Insecta: Plecoptera) de arroyos mediterráneos de Sierra Morena Occidental. Zoologica baetica, 27: 25-38.
- Tierno de Figueroa, J.M., Luzón-Ortega, J.M. & López-Rodríguez, M.J. 2016. Study of stonefly taxa (Insecta: Plecoptera) inhabiting a saline stream (Arroyo Salado) in Southern Spain. Zoosymposia, 11: 156–163.
- Tierno de Figueroa, J.M., Luzón-Ortega, J.M. & López-Rodríguez, M.J. 2016. Actualización del conocimiento de los plecópteros (Plecoptera) de las Sierras de Almijara, Tejeda y Alhama. Boletín de la Asociación Española de Entomología, 40 (1-2): 19-41.
- Tierno de Figueroa, J.M., López-Rodríguez, M.J., Bo, T., Cammarata, M. & Fenoglio, S. 2016. Life cycle and nymphal feeding of three high mountain Alpine macroinvertebrate species (Plecoptera and Ephemeroptera). Biology of Inland Waters, Supplement 3, 51-60.
- Moreno, E., C. Pérez-Martínez and J. M. Conde-Porcuna (2016) Zooplankton dormant propagule dispersal by wind and rain near two aquatic systems. Limnetica 35 (2): 323-336.
- Morales-Baquero, R. and Pérez-Martínez, C. (2016). Saharan versus local influence on atmospheric aerosol deposition in the Southern Iberian Peninsula: significance for N and P inputs. Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 30, doi:10.1002/2015GB005254.
- Catalá, T. S., I. Reche, C. L. Ramón, À. López-Sanz, M. Álvarez, E. Calvo, and X. A. Álvarez-Salgado (2016), Chromophoric signatures of microbial by-products in the dark ocean, Geophys. Res. Lett., 43, 7639–7648, doi:10.1002/2016GL069878.
- Catalá TS, X. A. Alvarez-Salgado, J. Otero,F. Iuculano, B. Companys, B. Horstkotte, C. Romera-Castillo, M. Nieto-Cid, M. Latasa, X. A. G. Morán, J. M. Gasol, C. Marrasé, C. A. Stedmon, I. Reche (2016). Drivers of fluorescent dissolved organic matter in the global epipelagic ocean. Limnology and OceanographyDOI: 10.1002/lno.10281.
- Cabrerizo, M.J., Medina-Sánchez, J.M., Villar-Argaiz, M., González Olalla, J.M. & Carrillo, P. (2016) Saharan dust inputs and high UVR levels jointly alter the metabolic balance of marine oligotrophic ecosystems. Scientific reports | 6:35892 | DOI: 10.1038/srep35892.
- Villar-Argaiz, M, Medina-Sánchez, J.M. & P. Carrillo. (2016) Microbial carbon production and transfer across trophic levels is affected by solar UVA and nutrients. Hydrobiologia DOI 10.1007/s10750-016-2755-1.
- Sánchez-Badorrey, E. and García-Anguita, J. (2016). “DO transport regimes across the water-sediment interface under low-energetic oscillatory flows”. Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering VI (ECCOMAS), 783-790. WOS: WOS:000380588500070.
- Funes, A., del Arco, A., Álvarez-Manzaneda, I., de Vicente, J., de Vicente, I., 2016. A microcosm experiment to determine the consequences of magnetic microparticles application on water quality and sediment phosphorus pools. Science of the Total Environment 579: 245–253.
- Funes, A., de Vicente, J., Cruz-Pizarro, L., Álvarez-Manzaneda, I., de Vicente, I., 2016. Magnetic microparticles as a new tool for lake restoration: A microcosm experiment for evaluating the impact on phosphorus fluxes and sedimentary phosphorus pools. Water Research 89: 366–374.
- Bhattachan, A., I. Reche, and P. D'Odorico (2016), Soluble ferrous iron (Fe (II)) enrichment in airborne dust, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 121, doi:10.1002/2016JD025025.
- Ramón C.L., J. Prats & F. J. Rueda (2016) The influence of flow inertia, buoyancy, wind, and flow unsteadiness on mixing at the asymmetrical confluence of two large rivers. Journal of Hydrology 539, 11–26. doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2016.05.008